Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ten on Wednesday

I missed it by a day...but I think this is a fun one! Ok...yeah...I know... I am only 24...but it is ok.

Ten on Tuesday...Ten Signs That You're Getting Older.

1) I go to bed earlier...not too early...but I am finding that I need more sleep these days.

2) A lot of my friends are getting engaged, married, having/expecting babies, and buying houses and have full time jobs...weird.

3) Getting drunk and being stupid is no longer an awesome idea. I hate waking up with a hangover and then hearing about what an idiot I was last night.

4) I am starting to pay bills...which is liberating yet scary.

5) I no longer have school vacations or snow days...which SUCK!

6) I find myself staying in instead of going out.

7) My friends have gone from talking about what we did in school to what kind of health insurance we should look into

8) I am annoyed by rude children

9) I want to work in a cubicle when I grow up

10) I have to deal with many more scary things...and I don't like it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...into the future...

After catching up on my blogs that I is time for an update. I am still a bad crocheter...however...I plan to bring my project to work with me tomorrow...fingers crossed i will finish SOMETHING! Speaking of work...I have left left retail under yucky circumstances and I have entered the theme park land full time again....for most likely one last season. It is hectic...but pretty awesome at the same time this season....besides...I have more time to work on my projects there than in retail!

Speaking of projects...I am entering the world of spinning. I bought a drop spindle that I am totally clueless on how to use...but I have been watching some great Youtube videos...which I think is going to help. I am excited...since spinning seems to be a little more portable than crochet or maybe not (I have no clue). I can't wait to finish my bag!!! I MUST WORK ON IT! Til next time...when I will hopefully have pictures up of my FINISHED bag!

Happy Hooking!

P.S....and Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bad crocheter! BAD! has been insane lately. My full time job that I was so excited about? Yeah...quitting...after 2 weeks. The story to go with this realization is astounding...and only to be told in person. So...back to the amusment park life style full time again this summer! Its not so bad. I look forward to my last summer of being a 'kid" actually. I have been so spoiled with them! After working there...and then going back to retail...I realized taht no one really gets me in the real world. I am blessed ( to work with a bunch of people just like me. For all its faults, still the best job I have ever had. just get the courage to quit that other job...

That pretty much sums up the last 4 days of my life.

Still no work on crochet...but I think after I finish this blog...that will be changing! I miss it so much and I feel guilty (and yes...I mean really guilty) for not working on any of my poor projects. I always look longingly at my bag 'o projects on my way out the more! I VOW TO WORK ON MY PROJECTS! Ugh...I really need my bag for the summer....I MUST look hippie chic...

Happy hooking!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Non Stichin'...still bitchin'

I havn't been to SnB...and it is painfully obvious since I have done NO work on any projects. Working two jobs has turned out to be....well...insane. I am actaully working more at Six Flags than I thought I would be. So far, 3 apperances...and possible working Sunday and only days off from Sears. Oy. However, I will be returning Saturday to the SnB...since I don't have to work until 3! Yay! Still time to crochet!

Very little...but I am very busy.

Happy hookin!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Crocheting Blues...

Alright....I haven't worked on ANY of my projects lately. I have been soo busy with the job thing and the friend thing and the family thing that I just haven't gotten off my booty and done any of the craft thing! I am staring at my bag o' projects now...longing... I really want to get some crochet in, but, once again...I am booked solid. I have to get a list of things done. Perhaps I will reward myself later!

As far as projects go, I did finish the first panel of my Larger than Life bag...which I think I mentioned already...still have to whipstich it together. Ugh. It is just taking a long time and I really just want to finsh it! I suppose I should work on it. I also found a set of knitting needles...which I have stared at for a long time...and am still afraid of trying. Why? Because there are two of them...not one.

On the awesome friends are coming home! I have one coming in from LA best friend is flying in from AZ tomorrow and another is coming home from ME ( and returning from in Atlanta trip) in a few days! YAY! That means busy busy busy! I love spring break.

Speaking of spring break... I got my DIPOLMA! It is really official now! Yay!

Happy Hooking!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ten on Tuesday and other stuff...

Today's "Ten on Tuesday" is worthy of a blog! It is exactly what I have been thinking about these past few weeks...

10 Ways You Can Make Your Life Better

1) Get a full time job: Even though I am better off now then I was a week ago, the two jobs I have a part time/seasonal employment. I would love a real "big girl" job! One that is 9-5 with benefits and weekends off. One that pays me salary, not hourly, at a place where I can wear big girl clothes like suits. That is a far reaching dream at this point, it appears.

2) Move out: Another far dream at this point in time. I love my parents, but, lets face it. I am 24 years old. It is time to fly the coup. In order to do that, however, I have to have a steady income coming in. Hence the full time gig.

3) Managing my money better: I need to manage my finances better. I suck at saving....but I need to learn. That way I could afford to move out and pay all of my bills on time and in full.

4) Quit smoking: I say this because I know it will make my life better...but I am WAY too far away from actually doing don't talk to me about it.

5) Organize my life: I am the most disorganized person EVER. I feel that it if I can conquer the clutter....I can do anything....maybe even number 4...probably not that one yet.

6) Exercise more: Yes...its true...I am lazy. Well...not really. I like being at the gym and working out once I am is getting there that is the battle. I should work on that.

7) Eat healthy: I like McDonalds. A LOT. I shouldn't eat it though...and I have stopped....but my eating habits are still not so good.

8) Stop letting people take advantage: I am a very understanding person...sometimes too understanding. People take advantage of that. I need to grow a back bone and not let them do that.

9) Travel more: I need to see other places and experiance new things. I always feel more alive when I come back from a trip. I am working on a few possible trip options coming up soon...and i am going on a cruise to Canada in July with the fam and my bff.

10) Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative: I have to change my thinking from "No I can't" to "Yes I can!". I am doing well with this so far and that is what is most important to me. I vow to be more positive. Negativity kills the soul and creativity. That is my new mantra.

Wow...these are all possible and I know that if I can accpompish this list my life will be soo much better. Note the lack of "I need a boyfriend". I don't need a man to make me happy...I got friends. That being said...a date that doesn't stand me up would be nice. I have been having a bitch of a time with this one dude..who keeps asking me out...and then canceling. No more...I gave him one last chance...if it happens tomorrow...kiss my ass. Not going through this again. Went through it with the last guy I dated...never again. This dude is lucky I have been so generous. I should have told him to kiss my ass the first time he blew me off...but i am a sucker for a sad story. After Saturday though (the 3rd time...mind you), my patience has readed its limit (very hard to do). Well...I will keep you all updated.

Ok...I am off!

Happy Hooking!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans...

Oh my gosh.....I am terrible at updating! In my defense..even though I have been umemployed for a very long time...I am unemployed no more! I officially got rehired at Sears AND Six Flags. may have sworn that I would never work for either company again...but I got two words for ya: the economy...and one more: sucks. A job is a job is a job and I can't wait to start working again....and I don't care in what capacity at this point. I can't wait to start making I could use to buy yarn...which I actually need...desperately.

Unfourtnatly...I like to make all the color schemes in oranges and browns. I love the Vanna's Choice yarn by Lion's Brand because it is cheap and it is great to work with. However...I have started so many...many projects using the color scheme... and the yarn...that I am starting to run out quickly. Which is bothersome...since I have soo many projects to finish.

On the project front, I am half way through my Larger than Life bag....I have one panel done...just need to whipstich...and to do that, I may need the guidance of my SnB yarn buddies. That project has taken priority...since I am going to start work soon and I need a decent sized bag to carry all of my various things (like yarn...and notebook...and book...).

On the book front, I find that I have not been reading at all like I had planned...I need to ge on that. I have so many awesome books that I can't wait to place to put them. I am making it my project tomorrow to organize the bedroom...and that is going to be daunting. I bought a bookshelf...but it is time for some furniture rearrangment and purging. I will hopefully be able to post a progression soon (as an added incentiveto get it done!)

Okie Dokie...time to make a to-do list!

Happy hooking!